Saturday 28 February 2009

Prison Blues

D'Angelo becomes the next victim of the Wire holding no reverence for your favourite characters and just killing them off!

We should have known when we saw him in the library that he was just too good to be true. Everyone's favourite prison film, The Shawshank Redemption, of course has the loveable Brooks manning the library, to be joined by our main man Andy Dufraine. Brooks and Dufraine are both quiet contemplative types, much in the same vain as D'Angelo. D would often be seen not responding when people talked to him, either becuase he was deep in thought or (more likely) that he was just utterly bemused all the time. Brooks died by hanging himself, whereas D'Angelo was framed to look like he hung himself. And he didn't carry a bird in his pocket.

I'm sad to see D'Angelo go, he was your concience, much like his fellow deceased dealer Wallace, the ones you could count on to be rational. His death was a understated affair, clinical and cold. It's funny that Stringer is going behind Avons back with business in the projects, whilst Avon is doing the same to Stringer inside.

I think the death of Wallace affected me more, it happened in dramatic style and he was finished off by his best friend. D'Angelo should have known better than to push away Avon, his stubboness was always going to be his undoing.

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