Friday 16 January 2009

Pistol Whipping and Tucker Whacking

The opening camera shot of episode 6 'The Wire' is great - a crane shot panning up from Omars boyfriends dead body on a car bonnett. reminded me of that great shot in Jackie Brown where the crane pulls back from the car and then accross to the car park when some guy's in the boot - here's the one I mean.

Love how the music fades out and comes back in here, and it's always great to see Chris Tucker get made to shut the fuck up.

It's followed by Tarantino style long shot, following our young dealer around the house wakin his family up. My god I hat that one cop who looks like Quentin Tarantino - the one who pistol whipped the guy a few episodes ago. He's a cock.

This episode is definately the best so far - the battle between McNulty and the lard ass Homicide cops is fraught. Filled with conflicting priorities. People really want to piss McNulty off and hit their targets for arrests. It's a great power battle and of course McNulty wins out in the end.

Simultaneously our young kid drug dealer (Wallis) has internal wrangling over his responsibility for the death of Omars boy. The advice from D'angelo - "just let that shit go" "don't think about it". When they boast about their killings they mythologise them - turning them into stories so they don't have to deal with the reality of what they've done...

One inconsistency I spotted: When McNulty vistis the scene of the murder it's wet - for the rest of the episode it's stupidly hot!

Something funny:

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